Three weeks ago, I quit my job. Believe it or not, in this economy I walked away from a secure, well-paying job within a large corporation to walk into the unknown. I was climbing the corporate ladder so to speak, working full-time with paid vacation. I was well-liked, respected, and fully vested. But I was wore out, tired to my core, and barely sleeping at night. I felt stressed all the time - not just by the stress of my job, but the stress of feeling torn between what I knew to be true in my heart and the fear of taking a bold leap of faith that I believed was being spoke into my spirit. I was also feeling the confusion of a life I once knew clashing with the possibility of a life I knew so little about. The words “I don’t know” became all I knew for sure.
So, I quit that job to follow a dream - not just a dream really, but a hope and a vision for the future. This is a vision for a much needed change in health care relationships, all driven by the experiences and suffering of a little boy named Michael. My friend sent me this quote a few months ago: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” The day finally came when I couldn’t remain tight in a bud for one minute longer.
After many years, you are actually on your way to do what you are meant to do. You and your family have and always will inspire people. This is your calling and I trust that you will meet many people who need to hear your story, values, & advice. You will change lives. All through Michael's illness, you lead the way by researching, teaching, protecting, supporting, managing, and maintaining what was best for him. Michael shines through you daily. Kudos to you. Best wishes as you begin this adventure.