It’s a busy time of the year; First Communions, Confirmations, Prom, Graduations, just to name a few. They all represent a new season in life where we step out in faith with the hope and promise of what lies ahead.
Amidst this busy season is a week that I assume will be very challenging for nurses. MN nurses vote on Wednesday May 19th to either approve a new contract or authorize a strike. The concerns that nurses have affects not only them personally but the patients they care for on a daily basis. Nurses are the life line to the necessary care that is required when we or a family member get sick. I think to some degree we all take nursing care for granted and presume that it will always be available to us when ever we need it. The nursing profession should be constantly assured of our support in their efforts to provide quality and safe care to us. The truth is that nurses not only face the same personal issues that all of us have in this current economic climate but they also strongly advocate for anyone who has ever been a patient or might be one in the future.
Nurses and patients along with their families want the same things in health care with safety and quality care at the top of the list. Only in a respectful partnership between patients, nurses and administration are we going to achieve the best and most favorable outcome. It always seems to come back to the value of relationships and partnerships that is demonstrated in the choices and decisions we make. This is true in any health care scenario whether it is by the care of patients or the care of the nurses who provide it.
Nurses, be assured of my support for you especially this week and I encourage everyone to offer some kind of support to nurses over the next few days. Let them know how much you appreciate what they are doing and how grateful you are that they continue striving to provide a high level of care as well as be concerned for patient safety. You never know when you will be the one on the receiving end of what nurses are working hard to maintain.
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