Thursday, July 28, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Parents delight in preparing for their child’s birthday celebration, me included. When one of those children is an angel in heaven, preparing for that special day comes with few words adequate to describe it.

Fortunately, I’m surrounded by the love of family and friends, which includes their children, that makes this difficult time period less of a challenge. Such as the recent lunch date with my best friend’s son celebrating his 21st birthday. It reminded me of how anxious Michael would be for his coming of age party. No doubt Michael would have been a part of the evening festivities alongside his birthday buddy. Happy Birthday, Eric!

Our traditional summer vacation, in season seventeen, was enjoyed a few weeks ago, sparking many “remember when Michael” vacation memories. During that week my niece calling back “Hey whatie” to her boyfriends “Hey Julie” was a reminiscent mantra. The sweet sound blanketed my lonely heart as I recalled Michael’s numerous requests of, “Hey Mom” and my reply of, “Hey what”.

There are the emails and shopping preparations being made for a 16th birthday party for my nephew. At his request, a birthday celebration with his aunts and uncle comes with perfect timing. It is complete joy for me to be one of his party planners in the absence of planning Michael’s 20th birthday event. Happy Birthday, Ryan!

For the past six years celebrating Michael’s birth date, without him physically present, has come with ups and downs. Attempts to honor his special day are made, but often fall short of plans trapped inside unfinished. Despite the complexity it’s important, for many reasons, to still celebrate. I believe we honor Michael’s memory best by looking for every opportunity to experience fun and allow others to fill the empty space. Michael loved a party and he never wanted it to end. It’s one of his legacies.

Happy Birthday, Michael! Until we meet again, the party continues. Be The Change!

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